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simply sinful jerk session with cherie deville - jerk off instructions

Cherie is a religious girl and she wants to tell you how much she enjoyed services today. She does confess to you, however, that she was looking at you during services. Though she knows that the Lord loves when two adults have a spiritual relationship, she also knows that she is too good of a girl to have sex before marriage. Hey, are you looking up her skirt? Are you having lustful thoughts? Cherie is adamant about saving herself for marriage, but she can see by the bulge in your pants that you have something else in mind. She has never seen a hard penis before, but she is intrigued by what she sees. Maybe there is some way she can help you relieve yourself without actually touching one another. Simply talking about sex is not sinful, right? Is it wrong to touch yourselves instead of touching one another? She thinks that would be okay, so she asks you if you can take your penis out of your pants. Your hard penis is not what she expected and she wonders about what you do with yourself

  • 00:11:05
  • Dec 11, 2023
  • 115


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