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outdoor group sex on a boat ~ love my friends!

As many of you know I am personal friends with Vickie and Danny and have been for quite some time. We all live in the Dallas area and do things together outside the Content Creator world. This past summer we spent 10 days on our sailboat in the British Virgin Islands and had a blast. This was not a trip for creating content but rather just a trip with friends enjoying a wonderful cruising ground…. But as you can imagine when you have a boat full of open minded people..things do happen…..

Vickie and I decided that Danny need to cum and we also wouldn’t mind getting some….so we went on the back part of the boat and started to have sex…..As you can imagine we had a fun and repeated that many times during our long trip!!!

-Slutty Jewels

  • 00:11:23
  • Nov 14, 2023
  • 756


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