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snitches get anal banged!

Some tough looking biker dude came into the Pawn Shop today. I got kind of scared for a bit until I heard him talk. Seems like he needed money bad and wanted to pawn his bad ass motorcycle, but there s no way I was giving him $10,000. I offered him $4,000 and he was ready to whoop my ass. Telling me I m being disrespectful. That his motorcycle was his lover. Apparently he needed a lot of money because he got into trouble with his buddy s and the law. He snitched on his crew, The Chupa Pingas! One of the toughest motorcycle gangs in Miami. Now he s running for his life. All that tough talk didn t scare me. I know the ball was in my court. Soon I ll be balls deep in that ass. No matter how big and tough you are. Where I come from, snitches get anal banged. Damn right!

  • 00:28:30
  • May 07, 2015
  • 158


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