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32 g for ginormous

This week I was chilling at my pool side crib. When I get a phone call from my homeboy Jarrod. He told me he was raft. When I looked over at the lake I could see in the distance that big lug paddling his way over here. He had a friend on board. When he got to land and I took one look I was hooked. Her name is Diamond Foxxx and shes banging. She had these delicious tits that were perfectly proportionate and round. But what surprised me was that ass. It was beautiful. Diamond Foxxx had an awesome body. Just looking at how her ass shined against the sun. And those droplets of water sliding down her crack. I was sold. My homeboy Jarrod sure knows how to pick em. So I let them use my couch so that they can get busy and they did just that. She went straight for the cock. Jarrod had fun fucking her doggie on the couch and doing the ol in and out missionary too. She wanted every inch of that cock. At the end Jarrod got to pop in her face.

  • 00:00:00
  • Dec 12, 2007
  • 233


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