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squirt, catch it, then squirt

This is probably one of my best squirt videos in my over a decade of filming. I start off massaging my big and soft 36F natural tits. Dirty talking as I begin to fuck my wet pussy until it gets creamy. Then I switch to riding it into a big booty face down ass up, fucking my meaty ebony pussy for you. The fun doesn t stop there, I fuck myself into doggystyle, and squirt super hard. The toy flies out of my slippery pussy, as I begin to change positions as I am squirting. Yes. I caught it in missionary, and instantly went back to fucking myself into back to back squirts in one blow. They call me the baddest squirter in porn for a reason. I call this video Better With Time because once you see it, you ll agree. This is a must see.

  • 00:26:12
  • Nov 13, 2023
  • 21


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