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vika puts you back in diapers adult camp

You re at an adult camp and employee Vika comes in to check your rooms, but she notices that your bed sheets are wet! She inpects and sniffs it and yes, you indeed wet the bed. this can t be happening so she finds you later to have a talk with you & *gulp* is she holding a diaper bag?? She explains to you that since you ve been urinating yourself, you ll need to be diapered for the rest of the duration, even in the daytime... and this is starting right now. SHe can t take any more chances of ruined mattresses or furniture. It s so embarrassing as she proceeds to diaper you right now, especially when someone comes over to ask her a question. THe camp councilors are going to be notified of your diapering and will diaper check you whenever they want. The crinkling will be so embarrassing! Oh no. Your camp-mates will see the diapers on your shelf too; everyone s gonna know. Vika thinks you re doing so good and rubs the front of your diaper until you cum in it, so you feel better about

  • 00:12:16
  • Dec 14, 2023
  • 139


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