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Today our camera man seems to be extremely horny. So he roams the halls looking for a special kind of chick that is ready to go, pretty much anyone who is available, lol. He hears a very sexy, pretty girl named Valerie moaning very loud. He decides to sneak in on her and surprise with his camera in hand. He asks her if she know how to give a happy ending, lol now thats is hilarious. She is totally fucking down and tells him to pull out his cock so she can so off her skills. Totally jerking and stroking away at his cock, she even gives him a little taste of what her BJ action could be. He keeps getting phone calls in the process to go back to work, so she goes totally in till he pops all over his beautiful tits. Damn the perks of working for the greatest porn company in the world.

  • 00:17:24
  • Dec 18, 2011
  • 102


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