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do you want me to try it on for you, step-daddy? (starring casey calvert) joi

Casey loves to go shopping with your credit card and you love to spoil her. Today she decides that she is going to thank you for everything you have done for her. Even though she is your step daughter, you never once consider that watching her strip is a bad thing. After all, she is of legal age and you are not actually related, so what is the harm? She asks you to stroke your step-daddy cock and you happily oblige her. Though small, her tits are perfectly perky and exactly what you like. When she turns around, you see her ass and your first thought is to grab it and shove your dick inside of her, but you maintain some control over your nasty thoughts about your cute step daughter. She is a bit of a cock tease and she wants to show you the pretty panties that your credit card just purchased. They are much sexier than the ones that her step-mother wears for you. Do you want to see her try them on for you? YES, YOU DO!!! Casey slides on the lacy panties as she reminds you to keep strokin

  • 00:07:52
  • Dec 01, 2023
  • 155


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