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give me what i want and stroke that cock! bunny colby - joi

You are going to give me exactly what I want aren’t you? Yeah you are, because I want you to stroke that cock for me. Think you can do that. I rub my hands up and down my sexy tight body, tossing my hair back so you can see. My nipple, hard beneath my body suit. Thats right whip it right out and get it nice and hard. I unzip the top a few inches. That’s right, now just stare at my perfect body. I know just how hard these can make you. I lean forward and practically shove my big breasts in your face. You like that don’t you? I continue to rub my body, watching you get harder and harder. I unzip a little further. Just keep on going. I take my tits out and play with my nipples. Oh yes, just like that. Nice and slow. Tease yourself, I want you throbbing with pleasure. I squeeze my tits together and stand up… its so nice knowing how much control I have over you. I turn around and slide my tight little body suit all the way down. I bend over and climb on the chair. Just look, you’re not allo

  • 00:10:09
  • Nov 24, 2023
  • 642


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