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a perfect ass workout.

So I was chillin in the gym when suddenly two beautiful gorgeous women enter. First, they began exercising, stretching, warming up, the usual. I left the room to go get some water, and when I came back, there were with nothing on the bottom doing some workout for their ass. Guys, let me tell you, these two girls have the most amazing asses that you ll ever see. They are fit, and they know how to move it. So apparently, the workout got them a little horny, and they took it out on me. These two beauties started sucking my cock so good that I almost came. Then I took one of them, Ann Marie, and I fucked her doggy! Then I took the other girl, Millian Blu, and she rode my cock so good that we were just getting more excited when we looked ourselves in the mirror. So check out these two delicious asses!

  • 00:00:00
  • May 18, 2008
  • 171


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