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curious stepdaughter wants to try bbc

When her step-mother spends long hours at work, Minx notices an opportunity with her stepdad, Jay. She s never tried big black cock before and curiosity has got the best of this little blonde. She keeps dropping hints about how her step mom is never around, leading Jay to talk to her. Minx is interested in more than talking though. She wants to know why her step mom is addicted to the BBC. She takes her clothes off and starts rubbing her pussy for her stepdad. Jay tries to control himself but when Minx wants to pull out his cock he doesn t stop her. She gags on his fat dick, covering it in her spit. Then Minx sits on his lubed up cock and rubs her pussy until she cums, telling her stepdad how much she loves his BBC. Her hairy little pussy is absolutely dripping when he takes her in missionary, making her orgasm for her stepdad again. Jay fucks his stepdaughter from behind as she moans, begging him to cum in her young hole. Minx promises to take the pill so Jay creampies her teen hot po

  • 00:32:31
  • Dec 08, 2022
  • 258


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