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addison s perfect gift for johnny

So we are cruising around for Johnnys birthday, trying to find something to get into. We pull up on this gorgeous Blonde Addison, with such a tight body. After we get the initial creepiness out of the way, we get down to business. We offer her $1000 dollars for her panties. Reluctant at first she gets on the bus and gives them to Johnny who we offer 500 to put them on. Johnny always the clown makes everyone laugh at his awkwardness.
We offer her some more money to just get fully naked. Then she joins Johnny in the naked awkwardness reminiscent of the ending scene of the graduate. We find out she hasn’t had sex in a while and thought this would be the perfect gift for Johnny. We ask her could he eat her pussy and it actually was the fastest yes of the day. Johnny goes down on her and his dick gets rock hard. You should see the way Johnny faces lights up when she asks can she suck it. Suck it she does. Johnny fucks her like her sexy gorgeous ass deserves to be fucked. She cums so much

  • 01:10:21
  • Nov 08, 2023
  • 873


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