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campus run

I have a bunch of friends and fans on the local campus. So after I decided to run out there and suprise some of my peeps with a visit. I think this is probably the most fun I have ever had visiting a school I caught up with some old friends and fucked some new ones like mike (hey that rymed lol). So I looked around the dorms checking things out. it looks like a lot of fun liveing in dorms like hundred of horney coeds living together has to get intresting. If your bored you can just walk down the hallway and find some one to fool around with. I think thats it I am going back to school what do you guys think good Idea or a waiste of money. One thing i have realized is that college is a great envirement for learning???no thats not it oh s agreat envirenment to find a whole bunch of cute guys or are more than willing to fuck my brains out and best of all do it on camera!

  • 00:00:00
  • Jul 23, 2007
  • 188


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