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morning wood for my step sister avril hall

Your step sister has come to wake you up. She jumps on the bed and that is when she notices your morning wood. The only option is to jerk off and get rid of that wood quickly. Avril can help you. Grab your cock nice and hard, but use some lube from the bedside table. Yes, that is good. Now stroke that thing. Use both hands. You wonder how your step sister knows so much about jacking off. Her outfit is questionable for school and you wish you were in her class. Those polka dot socks are probably not part of the regulation uniform, but they work just fine for you. Avril unbuttons her white shirt and you find that her small titties are not enclosed in a bra. She points out that her tits are all natural and that she has no piercings or tattoos. Keep jacking that dick just like you are. Just watching you jack that dick makes Avril horny and she wants to make sure that you are taken care of today. She slowly rubs her pussy through her panties and she notices that she has gotten wet just by w

  • 00:08:44
  • Nov 07, 2023
  • 83


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