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dont lie 2 me

I do not understand why guys and girls lie so much, if my girlfriends tell me some guy has a big dick, then I am curious to see it myself, i think about 50% of the time they are correct. But when I meet the guy and he brags about having a big dick? that is where I draw the line. This guy is named Long john and he claims he has a 10 inch penis. I was very excited to see it, but apparently 4 inches of it did not come out and play today and all i was left to work with was about 6 inches of unsatisfying lil john. So whatever, 6 is not bad at all, it s only bad when you claim to have 10, dont get a girls hopes up! Sooooooo i am rambling, anyways, this guy took a while to get hard, but when he did he fucked me pretty good and his reward was cumming in my mouth.

  • 00:00:00
  • Dec 07, 2005
  • 177


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