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sexy brunette housewife cheats and fucks the cable guy - alina lopez

Sexy and seductive, Alina Lopez, couldn’t get her TV to work all day. She called over the local cable guy to help with all her technical problems. Difficult? Yeah. Not for the cable guy, but for her. She’s been craving sex all week and she couldn’t keep it out of her head. Her husband wasn’t home nor was he putting out, she wanted more. She watched as the guy worked on her TV but couldn’t help how good his hands looked fixing it. She made up excuses for him to take a break as the thought of his hard working dick burned through her head. Slowly and surely, she got up, seducing him, talking to him, and letting him know to relax. She sat him down on the couch and pulled his throbbing cock out. Spitting on it, stroking it, and swallowing it whole to make sure it was wet mouth to slide inside her. I fixed her cables just so she could take care of mine.

  • 00:18:12
  • Nov 06, 2023
  • 239


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