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two guys a girl and a clothing store

hey guys, keep pourin in the emails cause im loven all the feedback you guys send expecially since most of it is all love and you know i love ya ll right back muuuuuah!!! apparantly alot of you guys have wanted to see me get it on in public...hehe i said get it on luckily for you guys with my powers of persuausion i convinced this store owner to let me do a fuck my friend in his store he said it was ok as long as i did it in the morning before his store got too busy...and fortunatly for me since my friend got nervous and had a case of teh premature ejaculation there was a clerk there who was more than willing to let me have his way with i got two guys in one day (not that i havnt done that before) and all in public..what fun!!! luckily there were only a handful of custumers in the store so there were no serious interruptions and it all went relatiuvly smoothe. hope you guys enjoy it seeyalaters!

  • 00:00:00
  • Jun 12, 2006
  • 122


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