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sam zee 2in1 xmas & new years celebration with candy canes/champagne bottle dp/dap piss drink facials

I have been extremely naughty this year making dirty porn for the internet. So what better way to end the year with some Dirty Santa porn. As I start off seeing if I can get a whole carton of candy canes in my ass and popping them out. I get some help from an elf getting them all in me as I make a nice rosebud after pushing them all out. Was time to take a real candy cane next with a whopping 2.30 wide 14 long one as I work it in and out and it melts in my ass making a sticky red/green mess. Taste good! But I wanted to see what it would taste like way up in my ass so I fist myself sucking my fingers afterwards. Wanted to get a more natural stretch with something softer so I ride the big red plug for a bit. It also matched my top so. Then I gag on cock with some whip cream added to it before I get fucked in my pussy and ass. Got a smaller candy cane for some DP/DAP since the one I played with earlier was just a tad to big. Cum a bunch of times showing off my cute rosebud from that. Ev

  • 01:52:26
  • Dec 22, 2022
  • 56


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