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exotic ass

Whats the haps my ass loving peeps, its your boy Big Lou running that ASSPARADE for this week and I got a banging booty for you all to have some fun with. I linked up with my home-girl Kiara, and she was chilling at this exotic had some Moroccan theme to it or what not, but I wasn t there for the atmosphere I was there for that ASS..and let me tell you all, this girl got booty. You all might not know, but I;m a sucka for a big ass on a white girl, and this chick was stacked from head to toe..She was chilling on a bed when we first met up, i had to pull out some ass shaking tricks my homie Preston taught me, and worked them thighs to make that big booty jiggle. Kiara is fun as hell, she showed me sum belly dancing moves, she picked up along the way..and damn it might be called belly dancing, but it sure makes that ass bounce. The ass worship was out of control..i enjoyed every inch of da plump bottom, and you all will too. I had my homie Justin swing thru, cause the fucker w

  • 00:00:00
  • May 06, 2007
  • 119


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