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delilah davis wants a fat cock - joi

Delilah is a girl who likes to wait before having sex with a guy, but she has a strict size requirement for the guys she fucks. She loves a big dick. How big does your dick grow? Start jacking yourself off so that Delilah can see what you are packing. In fact, let her help you by giving you a peek of her titties. That helped, but now she directs your every move with her soft voice. You follow direction well, so she decides to reward your efforts by removing her bra. You love those small tits and she knows it. Keep stroking yourself as she lets you see just how wet you have gotten her sweet pussy. Her fingers rub her pussy and you envision your fat cock splitting her pussy lips open as you plunge into that wet hole. Your hand firmly grasps your throbbing cock and she asks you where you want to cum. With so many options, you finally end up making Delilah your cum slut as you cover her pretty face with your jizz. She looks even prettier with your spunk dripping down her face.

  • 00:07:04
  • Dec 26, 2023
  • 119


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