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sex as a down payment

Robert is searching for a place to live, and the woman renting out the place is really hot. Her and Robert spoke about her life; it so happened that she was a dancer. But Robert was serious about finding a place, so they returned their focus to the details about the apartment (flat). After the details were discussed, Lucie told Robert that she loves hip-hop, and her favorite rapper is 50cent. Anyway, Robert gave her some money so she can tell him about her sex life. Her favorite position is 69. She loves sperm, and she had a threesome with girls. Her ex-boyfriend fucked her booty hole. As they start getting frisky, they decided to walk to a secluded location, and Lucie gave some good head, by followed by hardcore dick pounding action.

  • 00:00:00
  • Mar 11, 2013
  • 402


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