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once a fool, always a fool!!

in this episode of bangbus we actually got in contact with one of the chicks that we took off on and we kept her purse..not sure if you guys remember but it was an amazing update you guys should rewatch(bb8100) any who, i got in contact with her and i made a deal with this chick..she would get her purse back but she needed to come out and chill with us, she actually tells me that she has a little crush on my boy i had to milk the when me and the gang show up Man!!! it was like dr jekyll and mr. hyde split personality i dont know! but this girl was going on us and i had to let her know who was in charge until she finally came down and came with us we get in the bus and she was calm and collected and my boy tony took advantage of this girls little crush and went in!!!! lol and ofcourse yet AGAIN she got DISMISSED!!! lol i hope you guys enjoy this update..i sure as hell did!

  • 00:51:18
  • May 17, 2011
  • 390


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