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losing her nerdinity

Leana Lovings was a science girl. She was into Biology and Psychology. Usually she would just study all day but today this white van was driving next to her and the guys inside were charming and really fast with words. Also fast with dropping money. All of a sudden she had the chance to make $500 in 2 seconds. Temptation won. She flashed her tits in public. In no time she was in that van getting naked. And as if it was a science experiment that big dick was in her mouth and she was sucking it. Then Tyler Steel fucked her. The van kept moving and bumping so the fucking rhythm was very different from a regular fuck. Plus Tyler knew how to fuck deep and hard. She was screaming in . He came in her face. They asked if they could do this more often. She liked that idea. They dropped her off anyway and sped off.

  • 01:03:27
  • Sep 14, 2021
  • 1124


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