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mile-high hook up

This week we got the amazing Sara Jay on our show. She said she wanted to go on a blind date to maybe find true love or at least get fucked good by a complete stranger. Thats why we hooked her up with J Boy. This guy is Spaced out! He s a mess right from the beginning. He came in sporting a wrinkled shirt and a messed up top knot he called hair. Yeah we were feeling a little chancy with this one, because we figure hey maybe they hit it off and look just don t matter to a Porn Star. Also, To make things fun and interesting we added a few interesting activities that they can enjoy together, like a nice tour of Miami Beach on a helicopter and then a we took them to a studio to do some body painting. Super Sexy! Yes all that and we threw in a hot tub because we want to see if J boy can pull off the unthinkable and answer the question. CAN HE SCORE?

  • 00:00:00
  • Apr 09, 2009
  • 244


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