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natalia & the pipi tom

One of the newest editions to the Bang Bros family is Natalia Rossi. On this particular day we were taking stills of Ms Rossi s fine ass body when Ramon came on the set. He heard that the new girl is a bad mamajama so he wanted a closer look. He decides to introduce him self by sneaking up on her during the shoot completely naked with his Monster out and the madness ensues. She likes big cocks and you can tell by the excitement in her eyes. What is it about watching a beautiful girls face getting mouth fucked that makes us smile? She takes the cock monster like a champ my friends. She rides it, she stuffs it in her mouth and loves every moment of it. She has a gorgeous body that you wont be able to take your eyes off of the whole time she bounces up and down. She s got this birth mark on the top of her lips that will drive you insane. Enjoy!!

  • 00:00:00
  • Mar 09, 2009
  • 365


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