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these two got ass

So Im chillin on da block and I really need to get some girls..I was in the mood for some big juicy ASSES all in my face..So I call up my home girls Druuna and Jenni to cum chill with me and have some legendary Assparade fun..These two girls are hot as fuck, Drunna is a milf type with a big juicy ass, I mean her ass is PHAT, and she loves to shake it..Jenni has it going on too, her sexxy booty, is curvaceous as fuck, and she loves to get nasty with it..I was really in ass worsphing mood this day, I enjoyed every inch of those asses and I had a great time with them..I had the girls hoping on tables, shaking there asses on couches and doing all kinds of freakky shit, things got real wild when the girls started playing with each other, Jenni loves to lick ass and she really made Drunna wet with her skills, Druuna returned the favor,,thing got really HOT! Then my homie Charles jumped in and did his thing, he got his dicked sucked by bot the girls, and then he banged the hell out of them,

  • 00:00:00
  • Jun 03, 2007
  • 332


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