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jezebelle and dana s anal adventure

What up peoples? This week I got a great episode for you guys. Two of the hottest pieces of ass around decided to come down to Miami and pay me a visit. Dana DeArmond and Jezebelle Bond came through. I ll tell you Dana is one crazy ass girl who is down for anything, especially anal. She loves to get that cock up her ass in all types of positions. I also got some very nice footage of Jezebelle taking a nice hot shower with all the soap running down her perfect ass. So while Jezebelle was taking a shower, I got a nice little hand job from Dana, sort of our little secret type of thing. Then Jmac came over, and the chemistry between him and Jezebelle was amazing, so the sex was out of control, especially when Dana joined in and would Jmac s cock every time it came out of Jezebelle s pussy. Then he got to fuck Dana right in her ass, while Jezebelle played with her clit. It was truly a hot video.

  • 00:00:00
  • Jan 13, 2008
  • 270


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