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big black cock break in

While hot Jinx Maze is taking a shower a thief breaks into her house, looking for something valuable, he searches the whole house until he gets to the bathroom where he finds Jinx masturbating in the shower, she doesn t realize of his presence until he makes a little noise, he goes back to the bedroom and hides behind the wall, when Jinx comes out he attacks her and ties her hands, not finding anything of value and having sexy naked Jynx to his mercy, he forces her to suck her giant cock, she can barely fit it in her mouth, but he makes her fit it, then he throws her in the bed and fucks her doggy style, while she yells every time this giant cock stretches her pussy, the more she complains the more he pounds her, then he stretches her pussy in many different positions all over her bed until he delivers a huge load inside her mouth.

  • 00:35:24
  • Oct 20, 2018
  • 632


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