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Well.. I thought I d do my fellow Floridians a service and give out cans of food due to all of these fuckin hurricanes grazing our asses these last few weeks.... And then there was Becky.... This broad was waiting at a bus stop... how nice is that?! We roll up on this broad and kick her our good samaritan game and got her to help us out giving out canned food. Game over! This chick was all over Preston s chisled chest quick fast and got a batch of fresh baby batter in her eyes as a token of our appreciation. We ended dropping this broad off in the middle of the hood.... you know.. I ve built quite a relationship with the brothers out there for feeding them fresh broads day in and day out... Enjoy.. The Dirty One...

  • 00:39:36
  • Sep 28, 2004
  • 202


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