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straight muscle with big legs giant huge thighs monster cock massive load cumshot 4k

I m a GIANT straight guy 2 meters tall (6 7 tall) and my thighs are ENORMOUS: my thighs are 80 centimeters long (32 inches long): at the gym, at the adductors machine, my big and long thighs open and close themselves alone with a weight of 150 Kgs (330 Lbs): imagine if you finish with your head closed into my huge thighs in my huge pubic area with all my monster cock up and entirely penetrated into your esophagus...... I d ejaculate into your esophagus with absolutely no mercy 😈😈😈 In this video I ve opened my MONSTER THIGHS and I ve flexed my adductors and all the inner muscles of my enormous thighs, so you can see my adductors flexing.... and then my powerful cock has ejaculated with absolutely no mercy.... Imagine if I ejaculate all that cum in you.......

  • 00:17:33
  • Nov 18, 2023
  • 14


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