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spencer for hire

The Baitbus gang is driving around once again just chatting about the shit they did on the weekend. Some of them went camping, blah,blah, blah. They are driving down on this creepy straight road eventually leading to some spot where they see some cute dude. Sunshine holllas at this dude. His name is Spencer, a manager at some store. Spencer hops in the bus because he thinks Sunshine is hot. Boom! They don’t waste any time; Sunshine is making out with the guy with her tits out. Seconds later, she puts on the blind fold, and ds to go down on him, but Steven crawls in to lick the dick. Bam! The blind fold comes off, “what the fuck” it’s Steven sucking the cock. Oooh! Spencer is mad, but for $2,000 to fuck Steven for 15min with the promise of fucking Sunshine, Spencer is all game. Then we have Steven getting fucked legs open riding cock, doggy style, and missionary.

  • 00:00:00
  • May 15, 2008
  • 151


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