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playing doctor w/ darcy tyler

Joey has been in serious pain ever since he got in to an accident on his motorcycle. After making an appointment to see his doctor he arrives only to be greeted by a beautiful female doctor he s never seen before. Dr. Tyler is a tall blonde that Joey just can t stop starring at. He explains to her where he s feeling the pains and she gets to work. What joey doesn t know is that Dr. Tyler is the horniest doctor in the trade. She especially likes it when her patients are young and MALE. She starts to massage Joeys legs and realizes that there s no one else in the office except her and Joey so she locks the door and explains to Joey that she needs to do a full body exam and that he needs to remove all his clothes. As most people he does what the doctor asks. All of a sudden she pulls his cock out and starts sucking to his surprise. Well that leads to a hot and heavy visit with the doctor. The thing of dreams. Blonde, a doctor and a MILF! Hell yes! Enjoy!

  • 00:25:21
  • May 01, 2010
  • 349


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