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pushing up daisy

I m loving all the famous hot pussy that s been coming on the bus lately. It s so great because I get to fondle their tits and rub their ass. I hand picked Daisy Marie because she is so fine. The girl is a winning combo of face, personality, and most importantly body. What a pair of tits on this broad. Perfect and natural. Her ass is unbelievable as well. This girl fucks like a fox on top of everything else. She is nasty. What a dirty mouth on this little thing. Thinking about it gives me a bit of a chub. Look at me I sound like a school girl with a crush. Anyway, We picked up this fucking slob in a Department store in Hialeah of all places. This guy was a fucking case. He didn t even know how to play with a pussy. I think he was a virgin or something. Seriously, homeboy hadn t seen a pussy in a while or ever for that matter. He hit it pretty good though. He was hung (not that I was looking). I m not gay I swear. HE HE. So Daisy brought a vibrator on the bus so she could play with her clit while the monkey boy we picked up fucked her doggy. It was a hot scene to say the least. She came to a screaming orgasm towards the end. Speaking of the end. I told Al-B to drive extra far for this guy. Something about his face made me want to fuck him over bad. The retard made it real easy for us. Like all morons from Hialeah he wanted to take a piss on a tree in the middle of the road. That was that. I hope to never see that loser again. Like he cares, he got to hit one of the hottest porn stars around. -Sanchez

  • 00:00:00
  • Jan 16, 2007
  • 181


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