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cum for my potion

Wendy Raine is a naughty witch, but she found a potion in her magical book that will amplify her naughtiness to overdrive! All she needs is a big load of cum...

She can t wait to try it out, and she found you to be the perfect sperm donor for that extra special touch that she needs for her potion. She brings you into her lair and under her spell as she sucks your cock with pleasure. After all, isn t it fun getting cum from a hard, youthful cock?

Wendy takes extra care to get you extra primed for a big load so she can collect every last drop of your cum! She coats your cock in her spit, deepthroating it, and moans because she loves a hard dick more than anything else in the world.

When she is ready to collect your cum, Wendy gets on her knees in front of you and opens her mouth wide so you can shoot your load into her eager mouth. She then drips it into a cup, adds in the rest of her magical ingredients, and drinks every last drop so she can b

  • 00:11:51
  • Oct 26, 2023
  • 227


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