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double the pleasure and double bang

What s up guys, it s me Preston. This time I went to Hollywood to pick up my homeboy Shaggy in a casino that he works in. This man is funny as hell, we came to pick him up and we was just chillin outside waiting like for an hour. So he jumped in the bus, and we went with smoky to pick up some chicks. After Shaggy was hitting on two girls that didn t even look at him, the oldest lady in Hollywood, we went to midtown to try our luck. When we got there, Shaggy picked up this girl. She didn t even think twice; she just got into the van because she wanted some A/C. Summer in Miami is the worst! So this chick, we didn t give her any money and she gave a blow job to shaggy, that easy man! So we kept looking because this time I was the one who wanted something, so we picked up this beautiful, cute and amazing chick named Charlie from Maryland. Perfect tits, and a perfect body. So We took her for a ride, and we just had a blast with her. So check out the body on this girl and take a look at her really closely because she doesn t look that innocent if you know what I mean. -Preston Parker

  • 00:00:00
  • Jul 15, 2008
  • 341


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