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cum for gas

Shane spots a hot sexy gal across the street at a gas station looking a bit stressed and decides to walk on over to see what s up with her, come to find out she had ran out of gas earlier in the a.m. but no one will help her with any money for gas so she can get to school. Shane sees this as an opportunity to get some as from this sexy broad, hinting that he ll help her out with money for gas if she let s him get in that ass. Coco seemed kinda shy hesitating to answer that unusual question, stating that she s never done that before but she does have to get to school. Shane takes her to his spot which is around the corner from the gas station and heads to the pool area of his house, Coco gets on her knees so she can work for that gas she desperately needs pulling Shane s cock out shoving it in her mouth, not so shy now are we. They head inside so they can continue what has begun by the poolside, Coco has a nice pink tight pussy and a juicy ass, watch how nice her pussy looks from behind as she s getting fucked doggy style and in other numerous positions as he fucks her gracefully on the couch until Shane drops a BIGMOUTHFUL of cum in her mouth....Enjoy!!

  • 00:00:00
  • Jul 26, 2009
  • 180


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