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shaggy and the hialeah chongas!!!

so this week were in hialeah checking out the scenery and there is a lot of people there i would of never guessed but to each its own lol, any who we come across a lot of people in the malls and shopping centers, but they seem to be pretty skeptical until of course i pull out the cash then they all seem so intrigued and helpful so what the hell i throw the bait and i do catch these 2 cuties (chonga s) and in they come with us and they seem to be down for anything at least one of them does, so i cant help myself and i just ask them to just have fun with us and boy do they,Guy s don t miss this update it was great!!!STAY TUNED!!!!!

  • 00:00:00
  • May 12, 2009
  • 452


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