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ann marie s got the monster touch

This week on the Monsters of Cock we got Ann Marierios. She came over from L.A. Craving some Big Cock. I told Ann to come over that I would hook her up with my friend Ramon, under one condition. She has to show me the goods, her tight ass, and wet pussy. Her cute little titties and awesome legs. Ann did just that, because when she showed up she was just wearing a dress that rode up to her upper thigh and no panties. I was in heaven. I took her inside to show her off to Ramone and he was hanigng out. Ann quickly got him up by poking around in his pants, when he saw this cute little girl grabbing his cock, he wanted to show her how deep he could put it in her. Ann showed him she can handle it. All of a sudden it all turned into a Spanish movie as she fucked Ramon, she screamed all these spanish phrases like ay papi and muy grande . Her tight round ass was getting slammed on his cock, as she rode him cowgirl style and then reverse and she even let him fuck her sideways and cum on her pussy. Enjoy!

  • 00:00:00
  • Mar 03, 2008
  • 251


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