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visions of booty

Willow Ryder hired a tutor to help her with her final exam. However, once he took a look at her ass, he had other things in mind. He began fantasizing about Willow’s magnificent ass. She had to snap him back to reality a few times during the tutoring lesson. Until one time he couldn’t help himself anymore and as she was turned around, he began masturbating. Eventually, she caught him. Willow was shocked at first but she quickly thought of an idea that would benefit everybody. If they fucked, he’d be able to concentrate on the lesson moving forward. And that’s exactly what they did. Willow got her tight pussy stretched in several different positions by her tutor. Making her orgasm several times as his dick slipped in and out of her wet hole. Finally, he busted a ll over her pretty face.

  • 00:43:21
  • Oct 26, 2023
  • 916


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