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tickling out the truth

Lt. Bella Lexi has found a potential informant on the street, and she knows just how to extract the information that she needs. Lt. Bella handcuffs Kira Perez to a chair in the station, and starts to apply her skilled tickling fingers first on Kira s ribs, then lower to her EXTREMELY ticklish feet. Lt. Bella keeps asking Kira who is selling on the street, who is in charge, but Kira won t give up any information. She laughs hysterically as Lt. Bella tickles her soft soles, her inner thighs, and her armpits. But, Kira is not a snitch, and she keeps her information to herself even though she is being tickled into delirium. Finally, Lt. Bella realizes that she is not going to get the truth just from tickling, and she leaves Kira to prepare for a different method of getting the information she needs.

  • 00:08:56
  • Oct 25, 2023
  • 198


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