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please, step-daddy, can i go to spring break?! (with ashley stone) joi

Why do you refuse to let your step daughter go to spring break? Oh, it isn t you, it is her step-mom. Ashley promises you that she will be good at spring break and that she will do no more than give guys hand jobs. Honest! Maybe you can talk to her step-mom and convince her to let her go, but she will have to work for it. Maybe Ashley can show you what she might do at spring break with you as her willing victim so that you feel better about what might happen. After all, she cannot get pregnant from a hand job! You agree that you will convince her step-mom to let her go to spring break if she helps you jerk off today. You take your dick out and stroke it, per your step daughter s instructions. You quickly grow hard as you pay attention to the head of your cock. Ashley offers a look at her boobs for inspiration. They are small and perky and you even see a bit of a tan line. She starts to call you step-daddy and this makes you happy. When she removes her dress, you get to feast your eye

  • 00:08:42
  • Nov 03, 2023
  • 84


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