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jerking off for petite cutie angel smalls - joi

Tiny Angel Smalls knows that you love her petite body. She knows that you would love to have her small hands stroking your cock right now, but for the time you will have to handle that yourself. Show Angel just how much you love looking at her small body. Your hand grips your hard cock as you imagine Angel wrapping her hands around your shaft, feeling her small body against your body. Not surprisingly, her titties are tiny as well. As your hand moves up and down your shaft, Angel turns around and takes down her shorts. She is small all over, but you know that she could take your hard cock in any of her holes. You see that the only thing on her that is not tiny are those huge labia. You are almost ready to pop and she offers up her tiny tits for a cum target.

  • 00:06:48
  • Oct 31, 2023
  • 252


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