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erotique entertainment - submissive asian eva yi smiles as she gets the fuck of her life from eric john s big beautiful cock on erotiquetvlive

Erotique Entertainment and Eric John proudly present an extremely hardcore happy orgasmic fuck experience with Taiwanese Chinese sex doll Eva Yi, originally broadcast live on ErotiqueTVLive. Eva is Eric’s live-in Asian lover, and she gets to have Eric’s big beautiful cock as often as she wants. The couple have developed such a level of trust and intimacy that they can explore extreme areas of sexuality while feeling fully safe and experiencing the maximum heights of arousal. Initially playing coy and passive, Eva lets Eric worship her inert form, especially her bare feet, small breasts, and hardening nipples. Her fingertips start to play across his huge hard cock. She really comes to life when she takes that dick deep into her throat. In an incomparable and epic deep fuckfest Eric throws all his energy and passion into balls deep pounding so hard up inside Eva’s heavenly cunt. Her smile gets bigger and bigger the harder she is fucked. She loves it so much. Then Eva takes charge, on top

  • 01:19:37
  • Feb 04, 2023
  • 1137


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