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small penis encouragement with my stepmom (with alyssa lynn) joi

Your stepmom asks why you have been moping around the house lately. You never seem to be out on dates or with your friends. She thinks that she might know what your problem is because your step-dad had a bit of an issue with his small penis. After your stepmom got a hold of his dick, she made him able to work the hell out of his small dick. She feels confident that she can help you, too, so get your dick out of your pants. Stroke yourself, but let stepmom help you with some visual inspiration. Stepmom Alyssa takes down her camisole and shows off her huge tits. Your cock is not as small as she thought it would be. She slides down her denim short-shorts and she is now wearing only a pink thong and sneakers. She directs your attention to her big ass. You wonder if she knew you are an ass man. Stepmom Alyssa can see that you are almost ready to pop and she asks you to cum right on those fat titties.

  • 00:07:28
  • Oct 28, 2023
  • 139


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