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pov double spitting and armpits femdom with mistresses sofi and kira

Young Princesses Kira and Sofi humiliate you with saliva and sweaty armpits. The impudent girls took a glass goblet to fill it with their saliva and then order you to drink all of its contents. The Mistresses alternately spit into the glass, gradually filling it, but so that you don t get bored, Kira and Sofi also spit in your face. But before you have to drink a full glass of their saliva, you have to lick their armpits in the same way. Kira shows her armpit in close-up and orders you to lick, then Sofi does the same. When the glass is almost full, Kira orders you to kneel down and open your mouth and Sofi pours the contents of the glass into your mouth.

  • 00:07:02
  • Feb 12, 2023
  • 206


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