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experimental vaccination

Nora Sparkle was so afraid of the COVID-19 virus, she found a doctor with an experimental vaccin to protect against COVID-19, long before the governments invented one. It worked great, at least, that was what everybody said and even his assistants were very enthusiastic.
So she made an appointment and tried to pursue Dr. Adams that she really really needed that unconventional experimental vaccin. Dr. Adams finally decided to give it to here, with his own special injection method. And of course, as every good vaccin needs to be administered twice, she had to come back a week later for her second vaccination. The first vaccination was an oral one and the doctor told Nora that she just needed to catch all of the material and swallow it, the second time Dr. Adams made sure he inserted the vaccin directly into her uterus. He said that combination was the best possible protection, so she immediately agreed and was okay with it. The doctor knows best after all.....
Although Nora thou

  • 00:42:27
  • Feb 17, 2023
  • 267


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