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close up most viewed blowjob by red lipstick and cum swallow - nata sweet

This is a slow, sensual closeup blowjob clip ending with my step Daddy cumming in my mouth. I have red, wet a lipstick. At the beginning of the clip, I did some mouth play with the camera focused on my face; starting with my mouth closed, gradually open until the back of my throat is visible (but keep my eyes in the frame as much as possible). For the rest of the clip, camera frame should contain pretty much just my head / face along with the penis me is stimulating. step Daddy was standing. Approach the erect penis while slowly opening my mouth to allow it to enter part way, then slowly close my lips around it. Gradually pull my head back so that the penis exits my mouth. Next I put the tip on my lips and open my mouth a bit and slowly use my lips to pull the dick into my mouth in a series of steps perhaps 1/2 inch at a time. Repeat these actions several times, eventually ending with deepthroat, then proceed with a sensual continuous in-and-out motion until he cums

  • 00:08:47
  • Dec 28, 2021
  • 77


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