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suck a dick save a life

Fresh out the pool and in her step moms bath tub, Jessica decides she wants to give her boyfriend Ethan an old fashion. They are quickly interrupted when her step mom Athena, comes into the bathroom. She just got done working out and wants to hop in the tub with them, asking them to not make it weird. But weird it got, as her foot brushes against Ethans hard cock. Before the couple can freak out, she realizes she interrupted, and that Ethan can get blue balls if they don t let him finish. Feeling guilty, she decides to help Jessica, because it is a medical emergency at this point. They give him a double blow job, but it doesn t seem to be working, so they have to take it to the bed. They fuck Ethan good and get that cum to move from his full balls and out of his dick onto their faces. Athena did her duty and was as great of a step mom she could be.

  • 00:49:39
  • Oct 23, 2023
  • 504


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