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kody kay made my day

I found a cute blonde by the vending machines on my way to the restroom. I had to stop and take a glance at that cute tiny butt. Of course, she busted me and asked me who I was, After I introduced myself, she told me her name was Kody Kay and that she had nothing to do. Kody was wearing some cute pj s but you could tell that she was horny under all those clothes. So I told Kody to come to my office (restroom) because she seemed interesting and I wanted to interview her. Five minutes later she was stroking my cock and licking my balls. Kody sure knows her thing too because she made me feel like a teenager again with the way she teased my dick. Kody was definitely a lucky find.

  • 00:27:27
  • Jan 10, 2010
  • 156


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