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We had a little dick lover with us today.. Her name is Ryaan Reynolds and she is African American, Filipino and Portuguese (she is a bit of the bestest i guess). Even before we started shooting she was asking to suck our new Italian Stallion s, Anthony, dick. In her brain all there is is cock and cock and some more cock. She started taking her clothes off and all I could concentrate in was her great set of D s that bounce beautifully. Shaking not so much, hehe (watch the movie to find out what I mean). As she started to turn around, I was blown away by her gigantic ass.. I mean, it was litterally hanging out of her jeans! That s how big that mother fucker is! It is so nice and firm, a killer bubble butt, I would say. Since she was such a good girl, and was craving for some dick, I called Anthony in. This girl fucking devouered his cock, she deep throated it and kept on begging for him to fuck her, so we had to give it to her just like she wanted it.. deep and hard. Anyways, I wont bore you with this, just go ahead and watch this one... She is a keeper! hehe

  • 00:00:00
  • Aug 31, 2006
  • 199


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